Last week, during the fine autumnal weather, every class came out into the school grounds for some creative outdoor learning with me. The school has some lovely grounds and the teachers wanted a more ideas on how to use them in relation to specific topics.
Here’s a couple of comments from the teachers, first from the head of outdoor learning:
“You’re too good at your job, Chris, in that now we’re all going to do it for ourselves and won’t need your enthusiastic and creative input as we’ve caught the bug!”
“Thanks a million! All of the children and the staff enjoyed the activities. They were engaging and inspiring. A brilliant start to our topic on Victorians.”
For Victorians we made train tracks, and tested bridge strength with yr 4
For Tudors we made mini globe theatres and told folk tales in them with yr3
For world war two we recreated evacuation stories ready for creative writing with yr5’s
For Celts with year 6 we made mini roundhouses, celts with spears and did some observational drawing.
With year 1s light and dark topic was the topic and I told the story of How Grandma Spider stole the Sun, we made a blindfold rope trail and collected yellow leaves to make a sun sculpture.
With year two we found out about the uses of trees, made three tree ID towers and made a map of our local area.