This Autumn found me delivering a successful project fro Devon County Council’s Environment Group – the Landscape Characterisation Project. It was run in four Devon primary schools during 2015 with the view to helping children and teachers use their outdoor learning opportunities more often, and to develop the understanding and stewardship of local landscapes.
Watch the short film report below – and then sign up to get the teachers resources at the bottom of the page.
This project was run in conjunction the Natural Connections Demonstration Project at Plymouth University, the Naturally Healthy Devon Schools Project and funded by Devon County Council Environment Group deliver two 6 week enrichment programmes within two chosen areas of Devon – Exmouth and around South Molton.
The areas were chosen mainly on health grounds in discussion with Public Health Devon – Exmouth & N Devon are parts of Devon where childhood obesity & poor health are higher than average.
The Naturally Healthy Devon Schools Project, is funded by Natural England, the Devon Local Nature Partnership (through the Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group), Devon County Council and CPRE Devon [The Campaign to Protect Rural England].
Click on the picture to view a photographic slideshow of the work in schools
Teachers Resources
Teachers resources – activity guidelines, lesson plans, fact sheets and stories to initiate activity outdoors!
And all the photos and videos!
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