I’ve been helping people to connect with nature since I volunteered at a school in Bath during 1993, teaching PE and doing outdoor learning, while working in an apothecary. I received my degree in Environmental Science that year too.
Since those early days I’ve gained thousands of hours of ‘dirt’ time foraging for edible and medicinal plants, studying self heal herbalism, learning bushcraft skills and bird language, practicing storytelling, facilitating games and educational activities for people of all ages.
I’ve also provided oodles of storytelling and didgeridoo workshops for schools.
I became a Forest School Leader in 2004.
I believe people learn best wholistically through play, experience, observation and stories.
Music, stories and games are some of the greatest human connectors.
Through these ways I share the gifts of what I have learnt so far.
In 2009 I self-published my first book, I love my world. It’s a playful, hands-on guide to nature connection used by thousands of educators and parents around the world.
Michael Morpurgo said I love my world is “Full of fun, imaginative, practical ideas this is a must for everyone concerned with children, the environment and the part we must all play in protecting it.
I have since published more resources…online courses in Storytelling and Music making … that help people connect with nature, each other and their own creativity.
These resources help you grow in courage and confidence and deepen your connection to self, others and the creation we are part of.
For online resources scroll down…
I LOVE MY WORLD – over 10,000 copies sold!
This is a free download of the first 30 pages of the paperback book and Epub..
I LOVE MY WORLD – The ‘must have’, playful hands-on nature connection guidebook.
Paper free: EPUB download and online course format. Full of Stories, games, activities and skills to help us all care for the earth.
Get signed copies here for £18 + 3.50 postage
Full of Stories, games, activities and skills to help us all care for the earth.