Understanding Bird Language May 21st 2017

Bird Language and nature connection workshop 21st May 2017 at Bulstone Springs Farm, Branscombe, East Devon with Chris Holland

This course will transform the way you perceive and feel part of the language of nature for ever!

Learn to understand bird language and use it as a teaching aid.

For forest school leaders, teachers, outdoor educators and parents.

Learn new games, mapping activities and sneaky ways to get people out in nature sitting still, listening…

“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”

9-4pm Sunday 21st May 2017

£65 Yummy organic lunch included. With the option of camping the night before or after for suggested donation of £5-10 

How do birds communicate and what are they doing? What can we learn from this? 

Our ancestors had an innate knowledge of what was going on around them – understanding the voices and body language of birds gives us clues to the concentric rings, the ripples of communication going on in the animal world. You can also tell things like which direction the wind is coming from and whether it will rain or not from watching the birds.

Participants will:

  • hear some inspirational stories,
  • try new bird language teaching games to play with children and adults,
  • have a go at mapping and gleaning techniques,
  • see how the activities link to learning in schools
  • learn about the 5 voices of the birds
  • spend time alone, in stillness, observing nature
  • deepen your connections to place and people.

This course is invaluable for anyone working in the outdoors with children or adults, who enjoys sharing the wonders of nature with others because it will give you an advantage and help you understand what the birds are telling you.

“A little bird told me.” Many of us know the meaning of the phrase. You will come to know how the phrase came to be!

Scroll down to the buttons below to book your place.


Chris Holland is a leading inspiration in the field of nature connection and creative outdoor learning for families, schools and businesses in the UK and increasingly worldwide. He has a BSc in Environmental Science, has been involved in outdoor learning for 20 years, and became a self employed educator in 2001

Bulstone Springs – A 40 acre farm in a beautiful valley near Branscombe, Devon, with spring, small stream, ancient woodland, steep wild heath and an organic free range egg business.


bulstone aerial

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