The art of mentoring this year was a bit of an experiment at community based learning, with the Art of Mentoring course being set in a temporary “village”. It seemed to work very well, even though the organisational systems were stretched to the limit.There were several prorammes all running at once, for adults, teens, 6-12 year old, early years, as well as those holding the hearth space and kitchen duties, all of which needed to sync at the beginning and end of the day. The extreme winds also made life difficult at times. However, with really tasty food, good music and 200 like and positive minds in a field, all of whom believe time connecting with nature is important to the ongoing human race, a good and hearty time was had by most….with all the usual ups and downs!
The art of mentoring is a model that encourages community regeneration though mentoring and nature connection, and as such compliments the more agricultural sides of permaculture with a model for regenerative community design.
I am a firm believer that it has something to offer, and have become one of the committed jump start team helping the organisation take next steps in the UK and Eire over the next few years.
The slideshow is a very limited snapshop of what went on during the week.