In this Post:
- Keynote Speech – Powerpoint file to download
- I grow two more arms during a Natural Musicians Workshop – photos from the workshop.
- Short video of dynamic natural numbers 6 times table from the workshop
- Funny Shoes
- Transforming Outdoor Learning report from Plymouth University
- Lovely Wandering short film (4 mins) about mountain biking coast to coast across the highlands.
Last week was a particularly dynamic one for me. Many journeys both physically and emotionally. Ups and downs, Easts and wests! What about you? I reckon there was something poignant going on in the stars…
In my world of work in the West of England I was offered more forest school work at St Leonards in Exeter and the management of the development of the forest school site there.
I then headed East to give a keynote speech on Natural Flow Learning and a Natural Musicians workshop the LOTC conference organised by the fab Louise Flavell. It was Louise’s first conference since stepping into the role as manager for Essex County Council Country Parks Team. I think she did a great job.
LOTC ESSEX Natural Cycles and Flow Learning Presentation
Here is the presentation about flow learning I delivered: If you really want the pdf or ppt, file pls email me.
Natural Musicians Workshop:
During the workshops we did the following activities (as a reminder for the participants) : Mosquito Tag, “I went and found a…..”, Name drumming circle (from I love my world), Natural Numbers times tables sculptures 1-60 and the Found Sound Round (with conductor, repeat and volume controls)
Here is a v.short video of one part of the activities, the natural numbers times tables:
I also managed to from two extra arms..i think it was a little uncomfortable:
Along with the help of the extra hands I hope to release DVD’s of many more activities from the Natural Musicians activities during 2017…sign up to my mailing list for more details of when they are available.
After the conference I travelled West to Worcester for a day of Storytelling at the wonderful RGS Springfield school. It was a whole school forest school day.
Funny Shoes!
I had many people asking me about my five finger shoes all day – they are the most comfy shoes I know and the nearest thing to bare feet – available from

Transforming Outdoor Learning report from Plymouth University
Check this out!
Transforming Outdoor Learning in Schools – Lessons from the Natural Connections Demonstration Project, has been published. Find it here, free of charge! It features teachers and pupils across the project talking about the benefits the project brought to their school, alongside practical advice on howteachers can successfully embed outdoor learning in their school.
I was involved in this project on the delivery side. Full praise to those who pulled all the research together!
Here is the link again:
On Wandering
Here is a gorgeous film. I love the quality of the feel of wandering, and the message of the film. Wandering is so vital to the life journey of the human soul. A chance to venture, not lost, but looking, sensing, being in the flow. A chance to meet serendipity and chance first hand, to let nature enter or to enter nature and be re-juvinated and refreshed in some deeper, subconscious way. Ok, it’s an Advert for bikes…but for me it’s the nature connection that touches, the bike is just the vehicle!
And finally, a moving piece of music played by a genius, in the Arctic organised by Greenpeace. Pls skip the ads.