The ebook version of I love my world is now on sale for only £3.96! It works in smartphones too!
WHY buy it? “Here’s a book which puts children in touch with the natural world. It will open their eyes and their ears, their hearts and their minds, to the countryside. Full of fun and imaginative, practical ideas this book is a must for everyone concerned with children, the environment and the part we must all play in protecting it.”
Michael Morpurgo, Bestselling Children’s Author
At the moment there are three versions of I love my world – paperback, ebook and kindle. The paperback has consistently been in the top 100 selling self published books on, with over 1 million self published books. I would prefer to sell you one direct.
You can buy the ebook at a bargain price of £3.96 (that’s 45% off til May 2014) or a signed copy of the paperback for £16 inc p&p from this page.
To buy the ebook, click here
To buy the paperback click the button below (and pay via paypal) [wp_cart_button name=”ILMW BOOK” price=”£13.50″] [show_wp_shopping_cart]
Not sure about buying a copy straight away? View the preview of the book by signing up to get a free activity and occasional newsletter below
and then watch the 2min video of me talking about it…
“This book is a must!”says Michael Morpurgo

“Practical, insightful, effervescent” Jay Griffiths author of Kith and Wild
“My go to nature connection activity guidebook” Charlie Loram, Travel writer, Outdoor educator, Dad
“Brilliant book for arty crafty things to do in the great outdoors….. put the great back into taking kids outdoors… Fab book with good detail…. love it” Suey
Great book for ideas for forest school practitioners, teachers and anyone wanting ideas for outdoor learning . Easy to read and dip into. JMB
“This is a fantastic book on so many levels; educational, practical, spiritual. It is easy to engage with at which ever level is most comfortable for you. Chris Holland writes an ‘idiot’s guide’ to activities without patronising. The deeper meaning of the activity is explained so that the learning or well-being needs being addressed are clear.” Fi Ham
“His book is an absolute must for the Forest School Practitioner, the Outdoor Classroom Teacher or parent who feels the need to turn off the T.V. or computer and simply spend some quality time outside” C Pearce
To buy a copy of the ebook click here…you will be directed to a sales page on the lulu self publishing website.

“If you’re looking for ideas, enthusiasm and creativity in the outdoors then this IS the book for you. Your young people will thank you for reading this book!”
A wonderful collection of ideas, projects, games, information full of inspiration
for kids of any age or gender as well as their parents. I only wish I had this book
when my kids were younger.
Buy it!!! Richard Diss
“A great balance of practical guides, activities, ideas..with the energy and inspiration which is so often required to actually get you outside trying them.” V Mew
Buy a signed copy of the paperback for £16.00 by pressing the button below. A copy of my book will be added to a paypal shopping cart. Pay with paypal when you are ready and I will get is sent ASAP. [wp_cart_button name=”ILMW BOOK” price=”£13.50″]
Still not sure? Here is a short video review on vimeo:
To buy a copy of the ebook click here…you will be directed to a sales page on the lulu self publishing website.
Buy the paperback here: [wp_cart_button name=”ILMW BOOK” price=”£13.50″]