I love my world – Chris’s new outdoor play guidebook is now available!

Chris is very happy to have finished I love my World. It was finished on Earth Day, 22nd April 2009.

this is what the cover looks like...

I love my world is a new guidebook to rekindle the naturally playful spirit and develop a deep connection with nature from an early age.

Full of bushcraft, environmental art, nature awareness and outdoor play activities, as well as mentoring tips and beautiful images, this book will make you want to pack your bags, step out and celebrate our wonderful world.

It’s for parents, environmental educators, play rangers, forest school leaders, teachers, aunties, uncles…in fact anyone with a love of our world who spends time outdoors and enjoys sharing it with other people.

Richard Irvine of the Wembworthy Centre, Devon, had this to say about it:

This book is far beyond a mere collection of outdoor learning
activities. Chris Holland takes a holistic view of our current global
environmental crisis and presents a heartfelt, as well as intellectual
response to it, by taking our young people outside to learn to play and
play to learn. It tackles the head, heart and hands of outdoor
environmental education and prompted me to re-evaluate not just what I do as an outdoor
educator but why and how.

Another comment is:

This book will fit as sugly in the rucksac of an old hand as it does in
the novices bookshelf. Chris has acknowledged and added to the
accumulated wisdom of Van Matre, Cornell, Tom Brown and many others and
produced a work that is so much more than just a collection of nature
based activities.

Buy your signed copy now from Chris for £15.95, which includes postage,  by clicking the button below.

If you want want to look at a preview of the book, or buy more than one copy, visit the lulu website right now, http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/i-love-my-world/6881171, (the postage cost from these folks is high if you are only buying one copy at a time).

It will be more widely available online, through the likes of amazon by the end of the summer! Yippee!

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