workshops for science week

Bushcraft and survival skills come right into your school with these great hands on workshops put together by Chris;

1.5-3 Hour Activities

Earth Pizzas and simple geology (ks1&2): Looks at how the earth is built up in layers over geological time.

Fire, Friction and Forces (ks2&3): Learn how to make fire by friction and the the forces involved in making stable structures.

Keeping Warm: Insulation, saving energy, different thermal properties ofnatural and man made materials in the context of survival shelters and den building.

Pots and containers (ks2&3): Making pots and containers from natural and recycled materials in a bushcraft way.

Survival shelter building (ks1,2&3): Learn how to make a range of different survival shelters from found and natural materials, and understand the key concepts of structure, insulation and shingling.

Whole Day Programmes

Homes, habitats and niches: Shelterbuilding, storytelling and feeling part of the whole (ecological) community through the understanding that we all have homes habitats and nices, and if we build a shelter or house somewhere it will always affect other creatures.

Rainforest: A multi sensory activity and storytelling day that takes your children to the heart of the rainforest community, in your own schools grounds.